Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today, I am extremely grateful to whomever created bleach. Having two (yes, two!) potty-trained children is a blessing: the convenience of not hauling diapers around, the $40/month we save, not to mention, the lack of general stenchiness in our house. It's wonderful.

However, I am learning that two little boys who both use the potty can also have its drawbacks. Namely, the tendency of said boys to attempt to use the potty at the same time, which inevitably leads to, for lack of a better term, "pee wars". Yes, my children have learned to "fight" via their streams. This then leads to the toilet equivalent of "ring-around-the-tub"...which is disgusting.

So, tonight, I was forced to attack my toilet and its surrounding floors and walls with bleach water. I felt bad, since the toilet had never done anything bad to me, other than being too cold first thing in the morning. Still, it had to be done. I like to think the toilet and surrounding area breathed a sigh of relief at finally being clean, smelling like floral-scented bleach instead of...well, you know.

Clorox, you have my undying gratitude. By the way, we have a date: I have two more bathrooms who need your love and my attention.

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